
Strengthen your hamstrings for running with hamstring isometric exercises

Athlete Hamstring Isometric

Chasing hamstring resilience is imperative for many running based athletes and isometrics serve as a solid piece of the puzzle. While heavy eccentric loaded exercises like nordic curls and Romanian deadlifts have many benefits for developing hamstring strength, they tend to get tricky to fit into in-season programming at times due to their recovery requirements.

Frans Bosch made this method of training popular drawing comparisons of isometric contractions which occur when running, as well as mimicking the joint angles/muscle lengths created. Isometrics in nature, tend to have reduced peripheral fatigue than more eccentric loaded motions, serving a useful option for sessions in the week closer to games/performance.

Here are a few simple progressions for the supine holds that I like to use throughout my programming

1) Long Lever Hamstring Hold

2) Long Lever Single Leg Hamstring Hold

3) Long Lever Hamstring Switches


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